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Releases: acquia/df


28 Feb 23:22
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Demo Framework 8.x-2.0-rc1 contains the following updates:

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Added a basic crop type for Square image styles that ship with core and profiles
  • Added the image_widget_crop and library to build.
  • Fixed for toolbar menu icons.
  • Added a new df_tools_media_video module.
  • Added style for responsive preview.
  • Added explicit unload for firefox before reloading the IPE changes.
  • Added basic user tests.
  • Added assertions to check that the page contains a specific title.
  • Allowed reviewers to access the moderation sidebar.
  • Allowed reviewers to access the administration toolbar.
  • Hid more format tips link from reviewers.
  • Allowed reviewers to use the administration theme.
  • Converted reviewer role .yml to standard syntax.
  • Fixed users with the Creator role being able to view administration sections.
  • Limited workflow moderation states and scheduled updates tests to compatible scenarios.
  • Fixed non-admin users unable to view content that has never been published.
  • Added workflow tests for moderation states and scheduled updates.
  • Added content view overrides to df_tools_moderation.
  • Added z-index for slideshow button to show properly.
  • Updated badges for Travis and Scrutinizer for 2.x
  • Added tabs to dfs_dev /user pages.
  • Fixed tabs block on /user/*.
  • Added tabs block to content area for /user/* globally.

Beta 11 - First 2.x release, final beta.

21 Feb 16:30
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Merged branch '8.x-2.x' of into 8.x-2.x
Use globally available jQuery instead of $ in the color test step definition.
Updated the Devel module to 8.x-1.0-rc1.
Updated the Message module to 8.x-1.0-alpha5.
Updated the Image Effects module to 8.x-1.0-alpha5.
Removed config_rewrite patch and updated to 1.0.0-beta4.
more allowed attributes on rich text filters
Moved the workbench moderation state form element to the bottom of the form.
Remove access to scheduler for Creator role
Added missing permissions for the "Creator" role
Tied Address to the latest stable release.
Update the SimpleGeocoder field widget to support recent Address module changes.
modify full width modal for more consistant behavior, update styling
Updated Quick Edit patches to support inline editing slideshows.
Patch Entity Browser to add Quick Edit support.
add core patch to fix html escaping issues in the UI with XSS filter in 8.2
Removed core hash from roles exports.
Added additional permissions for creator and reviewer
Added info to readme for installing the chromedriver
hide magellan for small
Remove @file documentation blocks from classes.
update full width row when editing in panels
hide revert on landing page to avoid confusiong action
update latest articles view to not rely on twig templates anymore
Added Rules integrations to df_tools_message.
Patched Rules to enable our custom events and actions.
Use the whitelist from Lightning Layout to filter entity_block plugins.
Updated the Migrate Source CSV module to 8.x-2.0.
Updated the Image Effects module to 8.x-1.0-alpha4.
Tweaked df_tools_blocks_alter_block_categories() more to fix an entity_block whitelisting issue.
Fixed notice thrown in df_tools_blocks_alter_block_categories().
Accommodated the addition of landing page teaser config in Lightning.
Updated Lightning patch which skips lightning_core_form_user_form_alter().
Updated core dialog patch.
Forked the composer-patches library to fix the patches-ignore functionality.
Relied on the Lightning version of the Entity Block module.
Updated the Lightning profile to 8.x-2.03.
Added safety checks to df_tools_translation_enable_translation().
Added an ElementColorValue assertion.
Fixed bug in df_tools_color where submit handler would never be used.
Improved full width modal logic to use viewport width.
Allow span tooltips in the rich text format.
Added the df_tools_color module.
Reduced the number of entities indexed for search in order to prevent out of memory errors during cron runs.
Updated df_tools_blocks alter logic to properly sort Custom Blocks by type.
Only alter block categories when using IPE in df_tools_blocks.
Prefer UUIDs to other keys in df_tools_translation.
Patch Panels IPE to fix "Toggle Preview" bug with complex frontend themes.
Updated leaflet dependency to always download the library.
fix error where function always evaluates true
add if statement to check if language switcher is in the footer and then change dropdown alignment to open on top
Added the Moono-Lisa editor skin.
Use tag of config_rewrite instead of a release to avoid patch conflicts.
Patched config rewrite to allow for multilingual rewrites.
Make all dfs_tec provided fields translatable.
Make all provided fields translatable
allow magellan to span fullwidth on window resize
Updated config_rewrite to beta3 and inherited module updates from lightning
Moved full width dialog code from dfs_base to df_tools_frontend.
Fixed bug with AJAX throbber overrides in dfs_base.
Copied the Lightning Media entity browser so that we can use modals in fields.
Hide irrelevant fields from Panels IPE when using Panelizer.
Patch Panels IPE to allow last-minute block plugin changes when "Manage Content" is clicked.
Fade out the full screen progress indicator on success in dfs_base.
Made the full screen progress indicator prettier.
update medium image style to be slightly larger to account for full width image browser
Added fullscreen throbber when reloading the page after an IPE save.
Use a MigrateExecutable to process rows in df_tools_translation. (#51)
update lock file
add patch to entity_browser to fix 2845037
update full-width script
add cleanup styling to media browser
update info files to add the df tools to the right package group
Update swiftmailer to one commit ahead of the release fixing a test discovery bug.
Updated zendframework/zend-diactoros drupal/entity_block drupal/diff
add more rich text whitelisting
Add a taxonomy vocabulary and field for filtering Media.
Updated lock to get newest moderation sidebar icon.
Added lightbox support for the EntityReferenceMasonryFormatter.
Added missing patches to our make files.
Add the lightbox2 library to the build.
swap text color with bg color to make the nav more visually obvious
update fontawesome to 4.7
On overflow, convert tabs to accordions in df_tools_tabs.
Updated lock with moderation_sidebar changes.
Renamed the generic "card" to "callout" for the CTA.
Change resolution of article image to be less tall.
Fixed panelizer defaults for article.
add config rewrite to yml
Move the user tab back to the left in the toolbar tray.
Close the moderation sidebar when panels ipe is open.
add thumbnail image style override to alway be square
Add Import beta2, removing migrate_drupal related patches (#50)
Updated composer-patches to 1.6.0.
Switching to strict (PECL) YAML parser on Travis CI.
Updated the Lightning profile to 8.x-2.02.
8.x migrate updates (#49)
Superfluous lock file update.
Removed core patch from the make file too.
Added missing changes necessary for proper rollback.
Rolled back core updates due to migrate failures.
Updated core to 8.2.5 with patch for Migrate
Moved all default replicate_ui config to rewrite
Fixed YAML syntax in migrations by quoting delimiters.
Removed df_tools_message dependency on gulp-remove-html.
Use the base_dir for the default wrapping template in df_tools_message.
Fix syntax problems in README for df_tools_message
Added Inky and Foundation for Emails compilation support to df_tools_message.
Added missing dependency.
Added replicate_ui and turned it on for Nodes, Block Content, Taxonomy Terms and Media entities
Hide the Outside In "Quick Edit" contextual link to avoid demo flow issues in dfs_base.
Rewrite existing message configuration.
Updated the Adminimal Theme theme to 8.x-1.3.
Updated the AddToAny module to 8.x-1.7.
Updated the Image Effects module to 8.x-1.0-alpha3.
Updated the Geocoder module to 8.x-2.0-alpha5.
Updated the File Entity module to 8.x-2.0-beta3.
Updated the Field Group module to 8.x-1.0-rc6.
Updated the Admin Toolbar module to 8.x-1.18.
Configured Swift Mailer to send HTML emails by default.
Configured the mailsystem to use Swift Mailer by default.
Updated composer.lock.
Added a new df_tools_message module for handling the creation and sending of messages.
update user block styles for anon users
Tweaked the Hero featured view mode.
Fixed casing in test definition.
Fixed tests after changing Block Categories.
Merge branch '8.x-2.x' of into 8.x-2.x
Patched Panels to not require the "Custom" category to be present.
Made improvements to our block category overrides.
Hide admin UIs that hinder the demo flow in dfs_base.
Allow users to cancel changes in IPE without two alerts in df_tools_frontend.
Added behaviors to df_tools_frontend to improve the IPE flow.
Applied the Hero Block form alters to both the IPE and backend forms.
Added a basic pathauto pattern for tags.
Added the "user_dropdown" block to df_tools_user.
Fixed bug where df-pe would sometimes be unable to read custom displays from Panelizer.
Add classes for the entity type being rendered by entity_block in dfs_base.
Updated latest dependency versions.
Added the views_block_filter_block to df_tools_blocks (#48)
Added a Featured view mode and updated hero to use a responsive vertical hero style in that mode
Un-conslidated the lightning_core patches. 😅
Updated with consolidated patch for lightning_core to disable some functions.
Clean up info yaml
Updated lock with changes for guzzle/promises
remove fin specific row styling
Added patch for lightning_core to temporarily disable altering the user profile form.
Updated patches-ignore declaration.
Switched from the drupal/df to acquia/df namespace.
Moved Lite integration into an optional separate module.
Added additional dependency requirements.
Added support for the new Lightning Landing Page module.
Added support for the new Lightning Page module.
Updated the Lightning profile to 8.x-2.00.
Fixed issue where the beta2 of config_rewrite did not get published on
Simplify the Hero form and add basic styling (#43)
Migrated to packagist.
Whitelisted the products entity type.
Patched the Media Entity module to remove version constraints.
Updated Drush to 8.1.5.
Patched the Entity Block module to add UUID support.
Updated the Workbench Moderation + Quick Edit patch to support the Image inline editor.
Added the deep_explode migration plugin to df_tools_migration.
removed additional patch committed to core
core updated to 8.2.4
update config install
Add span and i tags to rich_text
Worked around Foundation bugs in the Magellan block's JS.
Removed the debug extension.
Add more verbose block clases in dfs_base.
Updated config_rewrite to 1.0-beta2