Thanks for thinking about contributing to the Yosys project. If this is your first time contributing to an open source project, please take a look at the following guide:
Information about the Yosys coding style is available on our Read the Docs:
The issue tracker is used for tracking bugs or other problems with Yosys or its documentation. It is also the place to go for requesting new features. When creating a new issue, we have a few templates available. Please make use of these! It will make it much easier for someone to respond and help.
Before you submit an issue, please have a search of the existing issues in case
one already exists. Making sure that you have a minimal, complete and
verifiable example (MVCE) is a great way to quickly check an existing issue
against a new one. Stack overflow has a guide on how to create an
in Yosys can be helpful for this process.
If you are working on something to add to Yosys, or fix something that isn't working quite right, make a PR! An open PR, even as a draft, tells everyone that you're working on it and they don't have to. It can also be a useful way to solicit feedback on in-progress changes. See below to find the best way to ask us questions.
In general, all changes to the code are done as a PR, with Continuous Integration (CI) tools that automatically run the full suite of tests compiling and running Yosys. Please make use of this! If you're adding a feature: add a test! Not only does it verify that your feature is working as expected, but it can also be a handy way for people to see how the feature is used. If you're fixing a bug: add a test! If you can, do this first; it's okay if the test starts off failing - you already know there is a bug. CI also helps to make sure that your changes still work under a range of compilers, settings, and targets.
We use labels to help categorise issues and PRs. If a label seems relevant to your work, please do add it; this also includes the labels beggining with 'status-'. The 'merge-' labels are used by maintainers for tracking and communicating which PRs are ready and pending merge; please do not use these labels if you are not a maintainer.
If you have a question about how to use Yosys, please ask on our discussions page or in our community slack. The slack is also a great place to ask questions about developing or contributing to Yosys.
We have open dev 'jour fixe' (JF) meetings where developers from YosysHQ and the community come together to discuss open issues and PRs. This is also a good place to talk to us about how to implement larger PRs. Please join the community slack if you would like to join the next meeting, the link is available in the description of the #devel-discuss channel.