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Bonjour/mDNS support for .NET 4.5, Windows Phone 8, Windows Store apps and Portable Class Libraries

The core logic is implemented as a PCL, but due to networking APIs being platform-specific, a platform-specific helper library is required. Just make sure that you also install the NuGet to your main app and you'll be all set.


The easiest way to get started is to use the NuGet package.

Install-Package Zeroconf

Current Build Status: Build status


There's are two methods with a few optional parameters:

using Zeroconf;
public async Task ProbeForNetworkPrinters()
    IReadOnlyList<IZeroconfHost> results = await

public async Task EnumerateAllServicesFromAllHosts()
    ILookup<string, string> domains = await ZeroconfResolver.BrowseDomainsAsync();            
    var responses = await ZeroconfResolver.ResolveAsync(domains.Select(g => g.Key));            
    foreach (var resp in responses)

The ResolveAsync method has one required and several optional parameters. The method signature is as follows:

Task<IReadOnlyList<IZeroconfHost>> ResolveAsync(string protocol, TimeSpan scanTime = default(TimeSpan), int retries = 2, int retryDelayMilliseconds = 2000, Action<IZeroconfHost> callback = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));

The BrowseDomainsAsync method has the same set of optional parameters. The method signature is:

Task<ILookup<string, string>> BrowseDomainsAsync(TimeSpan scanTime = default (TimeSpan), int retryDelayMilliseconds = 2000, Action<string, string> callback = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))

What you get back from the Browse is a lookup, by service name, of a group that contains every host offering that service. Thst most common use would be in the example above, passing in all keys (services) to the Resolve method. Otherwise, you can also see what hosts are offering which services as well.


Parameter Name Default Value Notes
protocol Service to query. Almost always must end with .local.
scanTime 2 seconds Amount of time to listen for responses
retries 2 Number of times to attempt to bind to the socket. Binding may fail if another app is currently using it.
retryDelayMilliseconds 2000 Delay between retries
callback null If provided, called per IZeroconfigHost as they are processed. This can be used to stream data back prior to call completion.
cancellationToken CancellationToken.None Optional use of task cancellation


The ResolveAsync method is thread-safe, however all calls to it are serialized as only one can be in-progress at a time.

Xamarin.Android 4.x Linker bug

There is currently a bug on Xamarin.Android 4.x that incorrectly strips out internal Socket methods. This has been fixed for the Xamarin.Android 5.0 series but that is still in preview and unsupported. As a workaround, entering System; in to the Ignore Assemblies field in the Project Options->Build->Android Build page will fix the problem.


This library was made possible through the efforts of the following projects: