This library defines the theme for Orange branded applications.
The colors of the brand are specified and some of theme are used for graphics elements and components:
- application global tint color
- navigation bar (tint, background and title)
- tab bar (items, selected item, and background)
- components: buttons, sliders, progress indicators...
The theme also defines the spacings and fonts for specified styles.
Instanciate in you code (application) the OrangeThemeFactory
and get the associated theme.
Then add this OrangeTheme
in the environment.
struct YourApplication: App {
let themeFactory = OrangeThemeFactory()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.environment(\.theme, themeFactory.theme)
If your application uses navigation bar and/or tab bar you can use the ODSThemeableView
directly like this:
struct YourApplication: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
ODSThemeableView(theme: OrangeThemeFactory().theme) {