This directory contains simple, companion examples to the ITK Software Guide. These examples are designed to demonstrate features of the system; they are not meant to be significant applications of the software.
For a more comprehensive set of self-contained, illustrative examples, see the ITKSphinxExamples.
Specifically, the purpose of these examples is as follows:
Provide simple, minimalist examples of important features of ITK and how to use them. The examples have minimal dependencies on outside packages; and if they do, there should be CMake flags to turn them off.
Provide a consistent set of examples that will work in conjunctions with the ITK Software Guide. The ITK Software Guide sources are found in the separate ITKSoftwareGuide repository.
Make sure that the code is well documented, of consistent style, and always up-to-date with the current ITK code.
The following is a list of subdirectories with a description of the code found in them:
Installation - a very simple example to demonstrate compiling against the ITK libraries and configuring CMake.
Data representation - creating images and meshes; shows the basics of creating and executing the pipeline
Iterators - iterating over images and meshes.
Infrastructure - events, observers, factories, smart pointers, namespaces, transforms, etc.
Numerics - working with VNL; a focus on interface with ITK classes.
IO - the basics of reading/writing data.
Filtering - examples of image processing and mesh filters.
Segmentation - a suite of basic segmentation examples.
Registration - a suite of basic registration methods.
To learn the software from these examples, you may wish to refer to the ITK Software Guide, whose source code can be found at