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Releases: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action


09 Apr 15:13
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Minor Changes

  • The temporary deployment directory will now have its folder permissions changed prior to being deleted on teardown. This was causing issues in a few instances where the rm -rf command would error.
  • If you include a custom commit message the commit sha will no longer be attached to the message at the end. The commit SHA will only be included with the default message.


31 Mar 14:42
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Minor Changes

  • More publishing pipeline fixes.


31 Mar 14:33
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Minor Changes

  • Made some adjustments to properly cross publish.


31 Mar 14:07
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Major Changes

  • Added the ability to have just a single commit on a branch. This restores the behavior of v2 except with a toggle. To turn this on you can set SINGLE_COMMIT: true in your workflow. This will wipe any existing history you have on the branch, please proceed with caution.
  • Added a cross publishing script so the action will now publish on the GitHub registry along with the npmjs registry.
  • Changed how debugging works. Instead of DEBUG: true being passed into the action you now need to specify an environment variable called ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG and set it to true. This is more in line with how other GitHub recommends actions handle debugging.

Minor Changes

  • Switched to using a number of helper methods provided by @actions/toolkit such as log and `debug.
  • Improved integration tests slightly.
  • Added --force flag on the branch creation command.


21 Mar 21:23
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Minor Changes

  • Dependency updates galore.
  • Couple of README adjustments, including an icon! (I have a lot of spare time while in quarantine)
  • The default commit message now includes @ instead of - when referencing the SHA.
  • The console logs now match the same styling that GitHub Actions use.


Thanks to @jakejarvis and @mathiasbynens for their contributions in this release.


07 Mar 03:47
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Minor Changes

  • Migrated from tslint to eslint. Version bumped to 3.4.1 due to a change in a named export: actionInterface is now ActionInterface.


02 Mar 14:43
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Minor Changes

  • Removed the /lib folder from the dev branch. NPM will now build this folder prior to publishing.


02 Mar 14:02
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Major Changes

import run, {
} from "github-pages-deploy-action";

Calling the functions directly will require you to pass in an object containing the variables found in the configuration section, you'll also need to provide a workspace with a path to your project.

import run from "github-pages-deploy-action";

  folder: "build",
  branch: "gh-pages",
  workspace: "src/project/location",
  accessToken: process.env["ACCESS_TOKEN"]

For more information regarding the action interface please click here.

  • Added the ability to specify a remote repository using the REPOSITORY_NAME option. This should be formatted like so: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action. This gets populated by default in the actions environment, but may need to be overwritten if you want to deploy to a different remote.

  • Improved error handling. It will now correctly provide the correct error message when the deployment fails, and will also stop early instead of running all the way through until it can't anymore.

  • By default the git commands are now hidden from the users view, and a number of console logs will instead provide the actions status. This can be overridden by applying the DEBUG flag.

Minor Changes

  • Added a number of helper functions that check the required action parameters, and suppress any sensitive information. This adds a fail safe incase either the actions environment doesn't properly hide a secret, or if the user is running the action via the node module.

  • Improved the overall number of tests.

  • Added the ability to modify the workspace path.

  • Added an .nvmrc file.

  • Updated the action.yml file with the new configuration changes.

Special Thanks

Big thank you to @XAMPPRocky for all of their help testing these changes!


22 Feb 14:34
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Minor Changes

  • More bug fixes related to the npm publish command.


22 Feb 14:17
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Minor Changes

  • Couple of minor changes to the workflow.