cdxgen is available as an npm package, container image, and single application executables. Begin your journey by selecting your use case.
sudo npm install -g @cyclonedx/cdxgen
If you are a Homebrew user, you can also install cdxgen via:
brew install cdxgen
For Windows and Linux, Single Application Executable (sae) builds are available from GitHub Releases in two flavours:
- cdxgen.exe - Node 22 runtime + CLI with the optional binary plugins (atom, dosai, etc)
- cdxgen-slim.exe - Node 22 runtime + CLI
Minimal example.
cd <Path to source code>
cdxgen -o bom.json
For a java project. This would automatically detect maven, gradle or sbt and build bom accordingly
cdxgen -t java -o bom.json
To print the SBOM as a table pass -p
cdxgen -t java -o bom.json -p
To recursively generate a single BOM for all languages pass -r
cdxgen -r -o bom.json
To generate SBOM for an older specification version such as 1.4, pass the version using the --spec-version
cdxgen -r -o bom.json --spec-version 1.4
To generate SBOM for C or Python, ensure Java >= 21 is installed.
# Install java >= 21
cdxgen -t c -o bom.json
sudo npm install -g @cyclonedx/cdxgen
type is automatically detected based on the presence of values such as sha256
prefix etc in the path.
cdxgen odoo@sha256:4e1e147f0e6714e8f8c5806d2b484075b4076ca50490577cdf9162566086d15e -o bom.json
You can also pass -t docker
for simple labels. Only the latest
tag would be pulled if none was specified.
cdxgen -o bom.json -t docker
You can also pass the .tar file of a container image.
docker pull
docker save -o /tmp/slim.tar
podman save -q --format oci-archive -o /tmp/slim.tar
cdxgen /tmp/slim.tar -o /tmp/bom.json -t docker
Setup podman in either rootless or remote mode
On Linux, do not forget to start the podman socket which is required for API access.
systemctl --user enable --now podman.socket
systemctl --user start podman.socket
podman system service -t 0 &
You can use the obom
command to generate an OBOM for a live system or a VM for compliance and vulnerability management purposes. Windows and Linux operating systems are supported in this mode.
# obom is an alias for cdxgen -t os
# cdxgen -t os
This feature is powered by osquery, which is installed along with the binary plugins. cdxgen would opportunistically try to detect as many components, apps, and extensions as possible using the default queries. The process would take several minutes and result in an SBOM file with thousands of components of various types such as operating-system, device-drivers, files, and data.
Invoke cdxgen with the below arguments to automatically submit the BOM to your organization's Dependency Track server.
--type Project type. Please refer to https://cyclonedx.g for supported lan
--server-url Dependency track url. Eg: https://deptrack.cyclon
--api-key Dependency track api key
--project-group Dependency track project group
--project-name Dependency track project name. Default use the di
rectory name
--project-version Dependency track project version [default: ""]
--project-id Dependency track project id. Either provide the i
d or the project name and version together
--parent-project-id Dependency track parent project id
cdxgen -t java -o bom.json --server-url --api-key "token" --project-group ...
See our Supported Project Types documentation
cdxgen supports advanced use cases as a library and in REPL mode.
cdxgen can automatically query public registries such as maven, npm, or nuget to resolve the package licenses. This is a time-consuming operation and is disabled by default. To enable, set the environment variable FETCH_LICENSE
to true
, as shown.
export FETCH_LICENSE=true
Invoke cdxgen with --server
argument to run it in server mode. By default, it listens to port 9090
, which can be customized with the arguments --server-host
and --server-port
cdxgen --server
Or use the container image.
docker run --rm -v /tmp:/tmp -p 9090:9090 -v $(pwd):/app:rw -t -r /app --server --server-host
Use curl or your favourite tool to pass arguments to the /sbom
curl ""
curl ""
If you need to pass credentials to authenticate.
curl "<access_token>"
curl "<username>:<password>"
You can POST the arguments.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/sbom -XPOST -d $'{"url": "", "type": "nodejs", "multiProject": "true"}'
cdxgen is ESM only and could be imported and used with both deno and Node.js >= 20
Minimal example:
import { createBom, submitBom } from "npm:@cyclonedx/cdxgen@^9.9.0";
See the Deno Readme for detailed instructions.
import { createBom, submitBom } from "@cyclonedx/cdxgen";
// bomNSData would contain bomJson
const bomNSData = await createBom(filePath, options);
// Submission to dependency track server
const dbody = await submitBom(args, bomNSData.bomJson);
cdxgen can sign the generated BOM json file to increase authenticity and non-repudiation capabilities. To enable this, set the following environment variables.
- SBOM_SIGN_ALGORITHM: Algorithm. Example: RS512
- SBOM_SIGN_PRIVATE_KEY: Location to the RSA private key
- SBOM_SIGN_PUBLIC_KEY: Optional. Location to the RSA public key
To generate test public/private key pairs, you can run cdxgen by passing the argument --generate-key-and-sign
. The generated json file would have an attribute called signature
, which could be used for validation. is a known site that could be used for such signature validation.
Use the bundled cdx-verify
command, which supports verifying a single signature added at the bom level.
npm install -g @cyclonedx/cdxgen
cdx-verify -i bom.json --public-key public.key
There are many libraries available to validate JSON Web Tokens. Below is a javascript example.
# npm install jws
const jws = require("jws");
const fs = require("fs");
// Location of the SBOM json file
const bomJsonFile = "bom.json";
// Location of the public key
const publicKeyFile = "public.key";
const bomJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(bomJsonFile, "utf8"));
// Retrieve the signature
const bomSignature = bomJson.signature.value;
const validationResult = jws.verify(bomSignature, bomJson.signature.algorithm, fs.readFileSync(publicKeyFile, "utf8"));
if (validationResult) {
console.log("Signature is valid!");
} else {
console.log("SBOM signature is invalid :(");
is a new interactive REPL server to create, import, and search a BOM. All the exported functions from cdxgen and node.js could be used in this mode. In addition, several custom commands are defined.
Command | Description |
.create | Create an SBOM from a path |
.import | Import an existing SBOM from a path. Any SBOM in CycloneDX format is supported. |
.search | Search the given string in the components name, group, purl and description |
.sort | Sort the components based on the given attribute. Eg: .sort name to sort by name. Accepts full jsonata order by clause too. Eg: .sort components^(>name) |
.query | Pass a raw query in jsonata format |
Print the SBOM as a table | |
.tree | Print the dependency tree if available |
.validate | Validate the SBOM |
.exit | To exit the shell |
.save | To save the modified SBOM to a new file |
.update | Update components based on query expression. Use syntax | query | new object | . See example. |
.occurrences | View components with evidence.occurrences as a table. Use evinse command to generate such an SBOM |
.callstack | View components with evidence.callstack.frames as a table. Use evinse command to generate such an SBOM |
.services | View services as a table |
In addition, all the keys from queries.json are also valid commands. Example: processes
, apt_sources
, etc. Type .help
to view the full list of commands.
Start the REPL server.
Below are some example commands to create an SBOM for a spring application and perform searches and queries.
.create /mnt/work/vuln-spring
.search spring
.query components[name ~> /spring/ and scope = "required"]
// Supplier names
.query $distinct(
# Check obom metadata for windows os
.query metadata.component[purl ~> /Windows/]
# check if docker is installed in the c drive
.query components[name ~> /Docker/ and properties.value ~> "C:"]
# check if docker is running, exposing a pipe
.query components[name ~> /docker/ and properties[value = "pipes_snapshot"]]
.sort name
.sort components^(>name)
.update | components[name ~> /spring/] | {'publisher': "foo"} |
Repl history will persist under the $HOME/.config/.cdxgen
directory. To override this location, use the environment variable CDXGEN_REPL_HISTORY