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Plugin for VitePress to add support for rendering D2 diagrams, you can check out the example site here. It is also available on NPM.



The plugin requires the D2 diagram language to be installed on your system, it is compatible with Linux, Windows and MacOS.

You can use the following command on Linux to install D2 (official docs).

curl -fsSL | sh -s --

If you are running on Windows, you can install the latest release .msi file from the official GitHub repo here.

Once you have installed D2, you can check it is working by running the following command.

d2 --version


First, install the plugin from NPM.

npm install -D vitepress-plugin-d2

Then import it and update your VitePress config.mts file to use the plugin as shown below.

import { defineConfig } from "vitepress";

// Import D2 diagram plugin
import d2 from "vitepress-plugin-d2"
import { Layout, Theme, FileType } from 'vitepress-plugin-d2/dist/config';

export default defineConfig({
  title: "docs",
  description: "my docs",
  cleanUrls: true,
  themeConfig: {
  markdown: {
    config: (md) => {
      // Use D2 diagram plugin with optional configuration
      md.use(d2, {
        forceAppendix: false,
        layout: Layout.ELK,
        theme: Theme.NEUTRAL_DEFAULT,
        darkTheme: Theme.DARK_MUAVE,
        padding: 100,
        animatedInterval: 0,
        timeout: 120,
        sketch: false,
        center: false,
        scale: -1,
        target: "*",
        fontItalic: null,
        fontBold: null,
        fontSemiBold: null,
        fileType: FileType.SVG,
        directory: "d2-diagrams",


To use the D2 diagram plugin you just need to specify the d2 language next to the backticks before the fenced code block.

x -> y

The configuration defined within the VitePress config.mts is the default config applied to all diagrams. If you want to override this configuration for a specific diagram, you can do so with the below syntax.

layout: DAGRE

x -> y

See the /example directory within the repository for a full working example of how to use the plugin with VitePress.

Further Reading

To view working examples deployed within a VitePress static site instance, you can checkout the repository example deployed via GitHub pages here.

For more information about D2 and it's capabilities, checkout the official documentation here.


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.